Saturday 20 June 2009

Featured Blog

For today's Featured Blog, I want to introduce you to the blog of my friend Margaret Cooter. Margaret has her camera or phone camera with her everywhere and discovers the most interesting sites as she goes round London.

In the past few months, having recently retired, Margaret is doing a Foundation Course in Art (I think I got that right). Anyway, it is fascinating to see the step by step process and discovery of the various art forms and medium as she encounters them on the course.
Margaret has also had work exhibited through the Contemporary Quilt group and other groups round London.

Margaret is also on the committee to get people to make and donate an A4 size work, dubbed "Little Gems". They are similar to the quilts made through the Journal Quilt project, which was shown in Houston for several years. These Little Gems will be available on a tombola stand at the Festival of Quilts. All the proceeds go to the continuation of the newly opened Quilt Museum in York. If you are interested in making something, you can check out the website set up for the purpose. Little Gems are being made by both Traditional and Contemporary Quilters. There are also patterns available for those who are not comfortable with coming up with designs in their head.

As you might know, I really gained confidence in my own work as I worked on my journal quilts. So, perhaps you might like to join in on the Little Gem project. The one big attraction is that you can make them much more quickly because of the size...they also don't take so much fabric! It is a good use for offcuts of wadding.

I have yet to make one, but it is on the To Do list. I may also donate some of the ones from my 2005 series. I don't want to break up the Tudors. They are going to be a fabric book one day.
So what do you think about donating this one? Do you think anyone would be happy to win it in the tombola?

So, go check out Margaret's blog, and while you are there, have a think about making a Little Gem...or at least come with a plan to get one at the Festival of Quilts at Birmingham in August!

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