Monday, 2 March 2009

Drawings burnt into silk

Here are some of the drawings for the "Letter" piece for the EquilARTeral challenge - Zoom.
(The other 2 pieces are "Language" and "Words").

I showed my light box the other day. I used it to help me see the sketch through the silk. Then I used my soldering iron to burn the lines onto the silk. I am quite pleased with these.

I have done this frequently in the past using a soldering iron I bought at the ironmongers (hardware shop). However, some months ago, I bought one of Margaret Beal's fine tipped soldering irons. It gives a much finer line. It also has a more insulated handle, so you don't find it becoming uncomfortable. The handle has a hook, which means you can park it easier when you need to. I have to park my other one in a tall mug with some rocks inside. You can also use a large terracotta flower pot upturned and stick the point into the centre hole. I had something similar, but it fell and broke.

I have already trimmed and fused these to my piece which is coming along well. It is nearly at quilting stage. But I need to get back to "Endless Possibilities". It wants finishing up and posting off to America.

And then of course, there are those college hiss.

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