Wednesday 1 September 2010

So, what now

Okay, no more photos from the Festival of Quilts.

Life still goes on, we are planning and sorting out the rooms the fashion department is moving into at college. I have been thankyouing to all the coffee morning people I can think of. and contacting people who are going to take my classes this autumn. and Hurrah! they are all running ! The taster session for Machine Embroidery got so full they made another one which is also nearly full. I hope some sign onto the full course, but at least there is enough to run it.

and I have had time to start thinking about the 3D challenge I am meant to be doing for EquilARTeral. all of us rather wished we had just left it 3D and not added the rider of it being a Triangle!

Here is a bit of experimenting with paper.

Not sure if I will stick with either of these plans, but I am leaning towards the row of triangles that will be joined like a suspension bridge...or something.

And then trying to think what fabric to make it up in, somehow I thought I would really like to do it in black and white...and then I thought I would like it a bit black on white and white on black.
And then, because I can and don't have the fear of how to, and even because I learned it in a situation where you didn't have a proper wet room set up...
I screened the black onto white and the white onto black! I kind of wanted a graphic look. A few of these might get something else, but some of the close all over ones I intend to use for the small triangles, so they will work fine when chopped up.
As you can see in the first photo, I was able to just put a cover over the table lay out the printing surface and get on with it!

How cool to be able to make the fabric you think a piece wants to have rather than make do for second best or to wander up and down the length and breadth of the country frustrated because you can't find "just the right thing!"


Rhonda said...

OMG....those screenings are absolutely them!!!

Sandra Wyman said...

These look really good Sandy! And thanks for the thankyou note!