Sunday 26 July 2009

Special Weekend continues

Today our friends Dennis and Aimee stopped by church in a surprise visit. They have been living in Dubai since last June and have been missed much. Aimee is the one who helped me with the modelling of the Bernina Gowns since they were near her size.

They were on their way to somewhere else, but since we stood outside talking after everything was closed up and beyond when I knew the automatic dinner control had finished at home, I said just come have dinner with us. I thought there would be enough to go round. Besides, there was plenty of the lovely Birthday carrot cake my husband had made. I also had baked one of the huge marrows from the garden filled with a made up in my head sort of filling.

So they came! It was great to catch up with them and hear what it is like to live in the desert. And in 45-50°C heat!
However, I never thought to take photos. But they gave us some dates, and so that will have to suffice for something to look at. (They are much better than the kind we get here at Christmas, which have the texture of eating dried out scarab beetles...not that I have eaten scarab beetles, but you know what I mean.)

And now
for fun, you can see Pepper, yesterday, break dancing on the lounge carpet whilst playing with my husband's hankies. She pinches them out of the pile of laundry when we bring it down to start the washing. She makes a game of trying to get you to come get them off her. Then she lays on her back flopping back and forth from side to side and throwing them up with her paws.

When you get to doing the whites, you have to go searching round the house for where she has put them all.

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