Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Lady Sew-Forth - quilting

I got the quilting done on Lady Sew-Forth.

I quilted various sewing things into the borders. Reels of thread, buttons and pin cushions.

Now I am doing the binding. I am trying a mitred corner, but done with binding strips. I can do continuous binding, but have not been able to work out a way to do mitred corners when you are doing strips on the side. Or, I should say, I have worked out a way, but am not happy with it.

I found this tutorial, which seems to sound reasonable. But I found working with navy binding and navy thread this evening was far too hard to see, even with an extra light behind and a small LED light in front. I think I got there in the end on one corner. It took me a while to work out what I was actually trying to do. I am going to wait til tomorrow to do the others. Maybe they will go together better now that I understand what the fabric is doing and when I can see what I am doing!


irene macwilliam said...

If you go on to youtube Sandy and try various words relevant to the mitred corners on bindings you will find lots of videos. some are better than others but if you watch a number of them you can distill out the info you need. This is what I did and now actually enjoy that process and so much faster than doing the four sides as separate entities. It is so fast. Only problem is if I have joined lots of strips for the binding I have to ensure the joins do not land on the corners of the piece. Irene

irene macwilliam said...

Sorry Sandy. On rereading your post you say you do know how to do a continuous binding so my previous comment is not relevant to you. Why do you want to do it as two strips if you are using the same fabric for both sides? I am most curious. Perhaps you are practicing for the time you change colour at the corner. Irene

Sandy said...

Hi Irene,
Well it is a bit practicing and a bit, I have just enough fabric for each side and didn't want the last join to end up quite near to where I started.
Not sure how to keep from doing that - I suppose one would actually 'measure' rather than go by guess, but I don't get on with proper measuring so well. LOL
and perhaps I was thinking straight grain cuts weren't joined like bias cuts...but in replying to you, lightbulb moment...well why not? This comes from learning quilting over the internet or on your own.