Thursday 8 November 2012

Blueberry Pie - 1

I mentioned I had started the last blue journal quilt for the Contemporary Quilt challenge. My own challenge also meant it needed to be a fruit.

So, I originally come from a place where blueberries are grown. But, I don't really like them. So, at first I was going to go with something like Mission Figs, which have a blue cast to them. Or some strange Asian blue fruit that starts with Q and is about the size - as far as I can tell - of blueberries.

At the end of the day, I decided to just get on with it! We have 2 blueberry plants my husband has been growing. He made blueberry ice cream with the small handful we got this wasn't that bad to be honest! Maybe all these years later my tastes have changed. Either that, or it is the comparison with the ever present Blackcurrent the Brits are fond of. That I Don't like!

The blueberries were printed onto the cotton printer fabric. I had set up the original print for Pepper with the blueberries in the extra space in order not to waste the fabric sheet.

So, here was the beginning idea. Use this blue stripe shirting with blueberries scattered on it..some reference to musical notes came to mind.
But, really it was scattered blueberries on blue stripe fabric!

It needed something special. I thought about the blue striped shirting being like note paper. SO, I emailed my sister Kathy and asked her if she minded sharing her Blueberry Pie recipe. Kathy won a prize at a Blueberry Festival with her pie made from this recipe.

She graciously gave permission and typed it up and sent it to me. She said I didn't have to obscure any secret parts with carefully placed berries!

I formatted and printed the recipe onto prepared organza printer fabric. I thought this would still allow the blue stripe to show through. It works pretty good! I went over the title with a blue fine sharpie to make it show more.

And then I positioned the blueberries and fused them. Here it is ready to be stitched. I haven't got photos yet, but I have tried to do stitching that wouldn't take away from or obscure the recipe.

Further developments tomorrow!

1 comment:

The Inside Stori said...

So very clever to incorporate the recipe with the blueberry images. I'm ALWAYS preaching to my students.....integrate....don't just plunk items onto the quilt/piece...they need to be worked into the did good Sandy!