Monday 23 July 2012

first official day off

Due to increasing difficulties with recovering from a mere 2 1/2 hours teaching per week, I took the decision to stop teaching... at least for now. I do have a few late units remaining to mark, but after that, no more travelling back and forth to Reading.
I had a lovely group of students this year. The majority are excelling in all the aspects of the work for the City and Guilds Fashion courses. I will post more about their work tomorrow when I can. (EDIT: I've been form filling today/Tuesday - end of course tutor evaluations - and was nearly done at about 10pm when it all went poof and dissappeared. so glad dearest clever man is a computer expert and found all but 15 minutes of it.)

So today, I worked all day on the Stretching Art piece. I just need to finish stitching down the hanging sleeve tomorrow.

It is late, so I will just leave you with this photo of a work of art that was in the building where the graduation photos were being taken. (photos mentioned yesterday) I don't know the name of the artist.

The photo is very skewed because of the angle I was sitting (too many photograph crowds below it.)I thought the colours and the shapes were fascinating.

Here is another version using the perspective tool on Paint Shop Pro. Not sure if it truely resembles the original as seen from a different point of view, as I didn't get a different look.

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