Look at all those books!

Then we went off to South Hill Park where Jane O'Sullivan gave us a tour round the mansion. They had just completed the set for this year's panto Peter Pan. We got to go in and see it...and even go on stage!! It was awesome. We took photos, but I won't steal their thunder. There was the most wonderful little mock stage set up as well, which had been built by the set designer to show how the full stage should look. I haven't been over there for a panto since my son was small, but I may go this year!
As we went round the building, I think Jane was amused when we were stopping to snap photos of things like the board in the Jewellery studio where all the tools were hanging! Well, inspiration, you know!

We also walked round the grounds, and we lucky as the rain held off. It wasn't too chilly either till it started getting darker.
We went back for a cuppa and a bit of show and tell.
All in all it was a great day!
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