Saturday 11 August 2012


Continuing with the CQ journals, I am a bit behind on the yellow ones. However, I knew that when I did finally get a chance, I was going to try something.

So, I finished the Stretching Art work* and sent it off.

Then I took some yellowish fabric, cut a lemon open and printed with it onto the fabric.
Lemon prints

This was a what would happen if? senario, so the first thing was to put it in the sun to dry and to see if it would do something...bleach it?
Anyway, I read a good book in the sun and then had a look. It didn't seem to have made a difference, but it was dry.
Lemon prints drying

And then as it was time for making tea, I popped it in the oven! Actually, that was my original what if Idea. If you could use lemon juice to do 'spy writing' - revealing the words made from lemon juice ink by heating it - then what would happen if you printed with lemons, let it dry and then heated it.

First of all, I must say that if you try this, don't fret if you can't see the print too well and don't decide to press down a bit more so it gets a good print. The less pressure gives better definition of the lemon.

But anyway, after only 10 min in the oven (set for Oven chips) this is the result.
Baked Lemon prints

Cool! So, now I am going to work into the circles to define them as lemon slices. I will let you know how I get on.

What I need is more yellow fabric - not print. I have just enough for another yellow journal and then some which is going to have to be for straps for a rucksack because I haven't enough of the actual fabric. SO, I am going to have to put that on my list for FOQ.

* I haven't sorted the photos yet, but will do so soon. I have been hijacked by a sunny garden and some good books...oh and some British Olympians from time to time.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Intriguing method with great results.