I liked the proportions of amount of fabric choices I had laid out on the table. How to translate that to larger on the design wall?
Oh, the Thoughtful Man says times it by 1 1/2. ok I can do that with my calculator.
and then tweak from there to get this.
But something is not quite right...and...after thinking about it, I think it wants the sea on top. Oh dear. a lot of unpinning and possible loss of the proportion...wait!
I have the image in my view screen on the camera. Turn the camera upside down. and there we are!
Ta Da!
Still dreading the unpinning thing in real life.
And duh, it is pinned to a sheet hanging from skirt hangers...just flip the sheet over!
Ok it just looks like fabric to you, but I am now confident for the next step.
I like discovering the wonderful sunsets. We have had quite a few lately.
over the houses in front of ours
including reflection on solar panels
walk down past the houses for a wider view
I like that swirl bit towards the middle.
and turning around towards the east a bit
My Grandfather's favourite colour was skybluepink.
Then, walking back to the house in the dusk, I see the roses in the same colour as the main part.
Today's colour is brought to you by orangeyellowpink.
Also liking that my cataract surgery date is in about a month rather than January as they had implied.
Looking forward to losing the one-eyed pirate view of life - especially my work!
Hi Sandy! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful pictures of the sunsets. And the roses - love those too! That is fabulous news that your surgery date got bumped up!! Seeing with BOTH eyes is a fabulous thing, and something that you will enjoy again soon. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Lots of good things! So glad you'll get to move up your surgery and your sunsets are beautiful. I also like when things are easier than you think- sometimes I just have to think about something for an extra minute and then an obvious solution comes to me. Often I briefly feel idiotic for not having thought of it sooner, but then I get the benefit of the easy option!!
very stimulating post Sandy. A great color, proportion discussion, leading to the sky pics that reiterate the quilt. I could see that sky done into a modern design of layers and swirls on a quilt. Bet you are always seeing nature in terms of creative work, how it can be interpreted in art.
now I'm wondering how you'll see color after the cataract surgery. I hear it clears up colors beautifully
Such pretty colors in that sunset! Yes, the roses match. lol
Your skies and roses are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing them!
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