My friend Helen helped me to set up the blog. I am really glad she did. It has been a big help to keep me productive and on task when I am working on projects. I often wrote things I worked on or made down in a diary before I had the blog. But with the blog I have been more consistent about keeping track. I really enjoy writing about the process of designing and making. It is also useful to record inspirational things I encounter as well.
So, I decided to make some of my fabric beads as a give away. The safety pin bead project for this week was in colours of pink and purple... and I had some prefused purpley-pink fabric from the 'Cloud Puppy'. So, that is the colour I went with.
So I have 3 sets to give away. Leave a comment and you might get a set sent to you! The comments will be open til Sunday when I post this week's beading project. It is actually a double celebration because on Friday it will also be my 1300th post!
Remember the photos are close ups, so these are all fairly tiny.
SET 1 -
and set 1 individual photos
SET 2 -
and set 2 individual photos
SET 3 -
and set 3 individual photos
If you would like to have a chance to get one of these sets, please leave a comment. I will close comments on Sunday the 20th October.
Remember if you have no reply blogger, I won't be able to contact you personally. I don't allow anonymous comments because of the amount of spam I was getting. So, if you click on my profile at the top of the sidebar you can access my email address and send a comment that way. Please make a note that it is a blog comment for the beads so I don't wonder why I am getting a random email from someone!
This post is now linked to Off the Wall Friday at Nina-Marie's.
Your bead work is absolutely beautiful, and I enjoy your blogs.
Ann Kovalchick
Love your work..tis amazing! Do you sell your beads! shelly beth
Hi Thanks for the comments!
Ann I am glad you like the blog.
Shelley, I don't sell the beads. I am going to use them for embellishing my fantasticals (wearable art).
I couldn't reply to you because you have your settings for no-reply. So, I hope you stop back to read this.
Your beading is beautiful and I would love to win a set.
So beautiful and such Fun beads!! I'd love a chance to win a set! :)
what more can one ask!
Fantastical indeed - these are such fun. Was looking at the safety pins and they are wonderful too. What a wonderful project. And congrats on the 1300!
I LOVE your really spikey beads--SO cute! I appreciate the chance to win them.
Sandy, I love these. I don't know about being a no response since I'm a dinosaur! I will just give you my email addy here
LeeAnna Paylor
Sandy, your bead projects are so interesting. Makes me want to play in my beads! I'm curious how you mail these--padded in some way?
Martha Ginn
Like LeeAnna, I don't know if my post shows up as no-reply or not--
5 years!!! Congratulations - it certainly has been a very rewarding 5 years for you. Keep up with your beautiful work and thanks for sharing all that you do ... J
The beads look great! Congratulations on blogging for five years--1300 blogs--did you wonder if you'd ever have that much to say? Keep it up, though, 'cause we sure enjoy it!
oh my golly, all of the sets are awesome, and to also have bits of Cloud Puppy makes them true treasures...I have only seen your blog for about one wild congrats on five...and wishing you many more!
Wow! thanks for all the comments!
keep them coming in.
Martha, I think I will use a padded bag. Like I said, they are really small, so even the 'spikey' ones won't be a problem.
For no-reply blogger. Click on your profile. If you look up in the top right corner you will see Edit Profile. you have to tick the box that says Show my email address.
Don't forget to save profile down at the bottom.
this might be different if you are on Google+. This link seems to go through steps for changing it when you have gone to Google+
Oh my gosh, these beads are quite fabulous and fun. Wondered over from the quilt list, will have to stay awhile and explore, you do stuff I want to know how to do.
Wow! Those are so cool! Very creative :-)
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