Monday 17 November 2008

Christmas boxes

Here is a collection of samples I made today for the Christmas boxes workshop next Wednesday at the Birch Hill Library. They include card with fabric fused to it, card with special paper, card with wrapping paper, and a recycled Christmas card. I think I need a larger Christmas card one, as it is very difficult to fold in the small size. I am off to look for inexpensive cards tomorrow. I actually put all mine in the recycling last year! But, I will need some for the workshop. I did a few decorative ideas for the tops, as well, just to spark some creativity.

Last week when I popped into the library, they had just put the notice about the workshop up the previous day and already had one person sign up. They are hoping for 10 at the most. Perhaps if there is more, we can run another session.

I have also been working on my beginner embrodiery sampler for the class I will teach at New Directions. I am doing the running stitch to start with.

Other stuff:
Amy got in touch with me to say she couldn't leave a comment since she hadn't a Google Account nor an Open ID account. Oops. I didn't realise that the settings meant some people couldn't post comments. So, I have changed the settings and hopefully you will leave a few comments now and then.

What Amy really wanted to do was to "tag" me! "Post 6 quirky things about yourself and tag 5 of your favorite blogs." Thanks for thinking of me Amy!

I think, since I am new at blogging and most of the blogs I know have already posted things like quirky stuff about themselves, I will pass on the tagging others bit. But, here are 6 quirky things about me.

1 - Okay you already know this. I like dragons and have quite a few running around in my head...well the ideas for how to create them anyway.

2 - At present, my favourite, nearly everyday lunch is pita bread toasted just till it puffs up and then dipped in homous.

3 - I also like ginger and lemon tea and discovered by accident that it also tastes good with milk in it. It is my first cuppa after breakfast. However, following that it is straight onto the real stuff.

4 - I once made a huge bird costume for a Computer Game show at the Barbican in London. The story about it is here.

5 - My dog is called Pepper. I used to have a dog called Ginger. I got the idea from a family I knew in college with a dog called Nutmeg.

6 - Another favourite lunch is asparagus cooked and drenched with very lemony lemon butter. (Yes, the whole bunch just for me, since no one else here likes it and you have to buy it when it is half price. Don't you?)
P.S. I don't always think about food. But since there is no one here at lunch time to scold me or look on in horror, I really enjoy eating those special things! If I have to be careful about what I eat, I may as well make a treat about the stuff I DO like!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too like dragons and have one running around in my head or is it flying. I'm thinking he will be my "doll" entry for Neverending!

Amy in Austin