Tuesday 21 October 2008

Inspiration Tuesday

Today I'm typing up assignments for my course tonight. It is called Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector. (PTLLS). After Christmas I will go on to do the Certificate to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector. (CTLLS) I will be teaching at New Directions which used to be Reading Adult Community College.

A few weeks ago, I had to do the first micro-teach of something from my chosen subject. So, I taught them how to make the boxes I mentioned the other day that I will be teaching at the library. I am glad that is out of the way.
I have been trying to get assignments done a bit ahead. Next week will be half-term, and they have set 2 assignments to be due the following week. Of course, I won't be doing assignments while I am in Houston, so I want to try to get them in this week.

So, here is an inspiration for you. What would it inspire you to make?

If you are interested in inspiration from everyday objects look at a blog by Virginia Spiegel.
It is called The
Garbage Day Project. Makes you think about what we throw away!

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