Monday, 9 October 2017

Posting again

Apologies for going missing the past few weeks.
Cows and beads will return as soon as I can sort the photos.

I have been working on some art which will hopefully go into a book. My contribution is 3 works about some of the human rights needs which weigh on my heart. But, we aren't allowed to post anything til we know the work will be in the book and/or exhibition.

Besides that, I have had a slow time of it because of my back limiting what I could manage. So, by the end of the day (avoiding the computer because I would get nothing done if I went there!) I didn't have much left in me for sorting photos to post. What to post when you couldn't post what you were doing?
And then, the weekends have been full, so though I have been stitching daily beads, I haven't had time to sort the photos to post.
and then everything you need to do mounts up.

Anyway. So, here I am. getting used to changed meds and thanking God for a physio on the pain team at the hospital who listened and has finally, after a whole year,  been the first one who has been willing to do something to work the severe pain out of my back. and suddenly, the flare-up of fibromyalgia has begun to subside.
It could have been a lot easier for me if someone listened all that time ago! Oh well. Now I am meant to be doing exercises to strengthen my back muscles.

So, I am taking this week off to get some of the rest I am supposed to be getting.
I have some things I want to finish/work on to be ahead when it gets to the new year and several things will be due.

And I am taking this rest time to do some blog posting! Some will be randomly gathered.

My special china cup I loved because A Certain Young Man gave it to me. I knocked it off when I was sorting something.
I had to take a photo because I was sad. The young man in question actually gave me a hug.

We have also had the ivy taken off the house. I started these, front and back, with little plants about 6in high. The Thoughtful Man and the Certain Young Man have been trying to keep it from taking over the roof or going into the loft these past few years. But the Thoughtful Man said to me the last time that he would need to get rid of it because he couldn't keep doing that forever. Oh.
Could we get a wisteria? yes. (I hope!)
A few photos of the ivy showing the matted part that was clinging to the bricks.
wasp's nest revealed
and what it looks like now.
One of our neighbours is doing the work. He has managed to take most of it off in very large chunks. Already in the back he has scrapped down the pieces that were still clinging.
I will miss seeing which birds are visiting each year and making nests.


Cda00uk said...

Look after yourself!

Linda M said...

I was worried about you, hope the exercises work for your back and you get to be pain free.