Sunday 24 June 2012

Sky Princess revisited

Sorry for leaving you staring at the back of a cement lorry!

I ran out of time for sorting and posting photos because I was right out straight finishing the Sky Princess for her outing to Sandown (National Quilt Championships). But I got all the extra clouds added by Saturday and delivered her on Tuesday.

In between, I was marking student work. I had about 7 modules to mark! They have all realised it is nearly the end of term.

any way.
Here she is!

and yes, that is a ribbon you see. - a Judge's merit. So big smiles happening round here. (Even though England lost in penalties - again.)

It is good to have her off the cupboard door at last. For a couple years now she waited for the rest of the clouds, and then for the last few months, this was all I had managed.

1 comment:

Margarita Korioth said...

What a gorgeous coat, congratulations!