Thanks for the comments about the meal. It was wonderful. A Certain Young Man excelled at the turkey. He had read about brushing the skin with butter to create a glaze, but did it before the main baking instead and added spices. But, that meant the flavour was not just on the surface...very yummy. And he roasted onions under it as well.
And for me, hardly any stress. I had all my part ready and did not have to worry about the turkey. So, when I came back from having parsnip soup and chatting at South Hill Park with my friends, I sat and did something totally random...mended necklaces and bits of jewellery in my new beading and etc space! and following the meal, I sat and read a book, which I haven't done for sometime.
Someone asked who did the washing up. The Thoughtful Man of course! He always finishes before me anyway, so he gets up and gets the teas/coffee and on major meals does the washing up.(We use the dishwasher for most things.)
So, on to the next project...
As you can tell, I have several things on the go. It keeps me from being bored!
The revised deadline for the Stretching Art challenge is January (it had been August). So, having cleared the decks from some things and choosing to change other deadlines for a more achievable deadline. I realised I better get back to this so I can get it off.
Some things you wonder why you waited! But then, I know I was under a lot of pressure - mostly on my self - in the summer, so took advantage of the chance to quit just then.
Anyway, all that to say I have sandwiched the piece about
Abebe Bikila. I had some scraps of the vintage fabric which were just enough to piece for the backing. And like the pieces I did the previous year, I have used felt for the wadding.
We recently got this message:
Remember last summer when you were furiously working to finish your quilt for the fall PNQE show in Pennsylvania, only to find out that they had inadvertently omitted our exhibit from the program? WELL....
Good things come to those who wait.
Stretching Art and Traditions - "From Whence I Came" has been invited to TOUR. Our quilts will be displayed in March in New Jersey (as originally rescheduled...), in New England during the summer of 2016, and finish at the PNQE show next September in PA.
The new news is that Mancuso is willing to tour our exhibit on an annual basis!
So, that is me set for January over the next several years. I actually like doing this one because
-I have a chance to be involved with something I am not running
-The emphasis is Stretching Art and Traditions - so I can legitimately try out something new to me which has a purpose.
Not that I am reluctant to try new things, as you may know if you have been reading this blog long! but my trials are welcome for this group. This one is small enough that you aren't competing for a place. And as I said, I am not involved with making up the theme, curating or finding venues.