Sunday, 2 June 2013

"And the Bead Goes On..." 27-31 May + 1-2 June

2013 - Week 22 Daily Beads





Fabric Colour change - extras in red and all the May beads can be seen here.

June daily beading project
Trying the idea of beading onto these washers.

I have a selection of metallic beads I thought would work well with the metal of the washers.

Before I started trying to do this, and perhaps not being able to work it out, I decided to look online if anyone else had done it. I found a tutorial where a lady was beading on washers - not these locking washers, but the smooth kind. This was good because it is helping me work out what some of those beading terms mean.
I was able to work it out pretty well on the washers where the notches point in. Here is the trial.

I had thought it might be a very quick project, so maybe to do 2 a day. So, I tried the same technique with the one with notches pointing out. This was not so easy and needed the second row of beads to sit on the face of the washer...and they needed to be larger. I only had these metallic ones that worked.

I might have another go with the rows of beads pointing inward. But really the other ones do take about as much time as the fabric beads, so I may save this second kind for another time.

You have to choose your thread carefully because it shows. I decided to use a shade of grey which blends in with the metal. You could choose a thread that goes with the beads you are using.



I should have a better plan worked out by next week - how long they take once you know how to do them and if there is a simpler way to do the 'notches out' washers.


irene macwilliam said...

I really like the washers with the beads. Irene

Sandy said...

Thanks Irene. I have worked a better plan for the ones that 'poke out'. They look even more special.

by the way, this box of washers was one of the Aldi specials! I bought several of their hardware boxes to use in my work.