I like things that have a bit of a funny side to them. I took this photo at the Festival of Quilts. The Quilt Police do exist!
One of the policemen at the NEC was invited to come see the Fly Me to the Moon exhibition. Susanne Jones' husband Todd had been chatting with him and got him interested in the project to commemorate the moon landings. Funny how many people immediately thought of the Quilt Police!
I recently read this book by Jenny Colgan. Somehow I thought I was looking on the shelves for crime fiction, but they had morphed into adult fiction. So, it was a lovely story and the character begins to believe in herself.

I have just read the next one, which, having become fond of the characters in the first one, does cause you to go through a little angst with them. But still, I think I like this format and will look for some of the others about a character starting up a business...especially a food business!
Speaking of baking...
As I write this, The Thoughtful Man is baking a gluten free and etc free cake! Coconut and Raspberry. Now there is a combination that should be interesting. We will have it tonight when friends come round...including one who is also trying to be gluten free.
I am trying to get back into making work. Most of the summer was too hot. Also, there was the Festival of Quilts and then trying to do things so I wasn't worrying about cataract surgery.
Presently, I have been spending time discovering things on my new phone.
I was already 'following' some artists on Instagram by saving the link on my computer and checking it like I would a blog. Now with a clever phone, I am able to follow properly and also post some of my own. My Instagram found here. I like that it is a lot quicker than downloading from my phone, then editing and sorting the size and then putting them on Blogger.
I can still do blogger by getting those photos and adding others here. I can say more here. But also, I can keep the blog a little more personal and the Instagram a little more professional. It seems there are more responses, too. Plus, I have found loads of art that interests me and I don't have to keep going back to a blog to check what I missed.
sandysnowden5 Yes, somehow I didn't catch that they added the 5. I could have done my middle initial or something. Still, SandySnowden5? at least it isn't something like sandysnowden138!
To see more likes from others, check out LeeAnna's blog.
I think that series was made into a show by Hallmark, sounds familiar. We get the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries channel but you might look on netflix or Hulu too. I love to find a book series I enjoy, to follow a character. I am waiting for the latest Rhys Bowen "her royal spyness" book at the library, and they had a list called "while you are waiting" so I tried two and don't like them, so I'll have to wait.
I like humor too, and seeing the ironic in life like quilt police
Love the Quilt police.. hope they stay far away from me!!!
lol. Quilt police!
I love Jenny Colgan, but haven't read those yet. Will have to look for them at our library! Your cake sounded yummy - hope it was!
Hi Sandy! I had to laugh right out loud - the quilt police!! OMG! Now I had to go look to see if I was following you on IG or not. I wasn't but I am now! Hmm, I wonder who that other Sandy something is?! HAHA! I'm making a note of the Cupcake Cafe books - they look like they are right up Sue's alley (and mine when time allows). Lastly, how sweet of DH to make a gluten free cake. Isn't it just about impossible to sneak a photo?!! Even with these snazzy phones - you could be doing ANYTHING on it besides taking a photo. Happy Thursday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne
How nice to have your own baker in the family. It's still too hot here to bake, but as the days cool, I look forward to making goodies for tea time.
Burst at laughing at quilt police!!! :D Have a wonderful day!
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