Monday 4 May 2009

Khaki makeover

Today is the May Bank holiday. So, I have been doing another skirt makeover. Remember, I got some bits and pieces to chop and change at the charity shop a while ago.
Here is the khaki jeans skirt when I was starting to change it. I forgot to take a photo before I chopped it, so I laid it out on the carpet and got a photo with the parts together.

I actually started yesterday. I chopped it at the same length as the jeans makeover skirt...which has become a very favourite! I have it on at the minute!


Then I made a ruffle from doubled flower fabric and added it to the bottom. I made several small lengths of ruffle and put them in the tops of the pockets. (only got one done yesterday, and then took a break til today.)


After I got those finished, I painted the spidery daisies in colours to tie in with the ruffle. The centre of each has a small green flower button. The photo shows the daisy a bit more aqua than it actually is.


I really wouldn't have had to paint the flowers. But...I am on a painting flowers mode....

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