Wednesday 27 January 2010

Funky Fleece Scarves

I was recovered enough today to do the Craft @the Library. However, the brain was still a bit fried, and I forgot the camera. Sheila and Norma came and made some lovely scarves. We ran out of time to do the fringing, but they said they could do it at home. They both have granddaughters who may be recipients. I have a feeling they are going to opt out of the chopping up part and keep the scarves for themselves! Sheila made one which was fuchsia and baby pink and Norma made one which was deep blue and powder blue.
So, for a photo you get to see mine.
I had given away all the others I made for Christmas gifts, so I made one up this morning (that had been on yesterday's agenda) to show. Then in class I worked on another one. The ones I had made previously had the ribbon sewn on the machine, but these were stitched up by hand.

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