Sunday 2 October 2016

Tears for the Daughters of My People

So, nose to the grindstone the past few days. But both deadlines accomplished.
Not, however the beads, but I will do them tomorrow.

Photos of the SAQA Layered Voices piece:


Tears for the Daughters of My People

Imagine this: 275 girls from your child’s school are abducted. 47 escape. 3 ½ years later, 228 are still missing. Furthermore, in the last 5 years, on average 38 women/children are abducted each month from your area.
This is Nigeria. Hearts bleed.
Shed tears for the daughters of their people.

Materials: waxed twine, cotton pearle and linen threads. Reclaimed cotton, cotton lawn, and quartz stone chips.
Techniques: rust dyeing, knotting for nets, machine and hand stitch, beading.



So, Wednesday and Thursday I stitched 266 quartz chips (tears) to the dress. 228 for the missing Chibook girls Plus 38 to stand for the nameless ones abducted each month.

This was the first time they are accepting wearables, so I wanted to really say something. and a big change from my 'Fantasticals'. I hope they do want this piece. I have also entered Ramshackle Villages which returned from the European Triennial last month.
And also I received word that Ramshackle Place, my donation for the SAQA Benefit Auction was sold before the lowest price! So, that is good to hear!


  1. Oh, Sandy. I hesitate to say this is gorgeous because of the story behind it... but it is creative and symbolic. I see no reason why this won't be accepted to the show.

  2. Oh thank you Jeanne. this still tears at my heart. I can not imagine the grief in that place. The wakeful nights trying not to imagine what is happening to them.

    I am pretty sure more will come of this from me. But I hope it will move people to do something. I try to help (when I have a bit extra) an organisation who is training trauma counsellors to work in that area.

  3. Sandy, I really like how you translated your feelings and ideas about the situation in Nigeria into the wearable art! This could very well motivate me to try my hand at it! This situation is always in my thoughts. I find it to be unfathomable that these girls simply disappeared! Thanks for the inspiration!


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