Wednesday 28 September 2016


The 3rd round of the Pattern Review Sewing Bee requires you to use a supplied pattern download and make it your own while still retaining the look.

So we were given access to a download of the new Colette Rue pattern.
I am doing view 2.

I don't normally work from other people's patterns. So after I got it printed out and taped and cut, I compared it to my pattern.

For the most part it was similar.
Some of the changes.
The armscye (and the sleevehead to match).

This is the difference.

And I moved the tucks over the bust to be more at the side. which I think will draw less attention to a larger bust. shown in pink.

I have got the toile/muslin made and from evidence of that, I also opted to lengthen the bodice because I am uncomfortable with a high waist.
So, now to cut and sew the 'real thing'. more photos of things later when I am not so stressed about how much I am doing at one time!

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