Monday 3 October 2016

Colette Rue - my version

Then, having completed 'Tears' and submitted to SAQA before the end of September and even before bedtime on Friday - with help from Mr. Thoughtful who did the photos.... Why do I always do work that cameras can't focus on? ...fabric, rust, quarts crystals, what do you mean focus?
I then worked ALL day Saturday to make the dress for the 3rd round of the Pattern Review Sewing Bee. Okay 10:30am start, but that is early for me to get in here to work. and 15min for lunch and a bit of time to make dinner. So, 10:30am started cutting and completed the review at 12:30am late night.
If you want more of the details, you can read it here. As you remember, we were to make a garment using a Colette Rue dress pattern which was provided.

Never again will I cut and make a whole lined dress in one day, Thankyouverymuch.

And here are some photos.
Keep in mind they were taken at 11pm and thereafter.





  1. It was worth the effort, though!

  2. Oh thanks Celia!
    I am not too comfortable with my shape at this point, so to make this thin youthful dress into something to fit me took a lot of courage.


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