Sunday 24 October 2010

exciting news or what!

So! My friend Jane, having been given the task of organising the project our Thames Valley Contemporary Quilt group is doing with the Slough Museum, has excelled herself.

She came across info about participating in the London 2012 Inspire programme...filled in some forms...talked the Museum into the sponsor side of things...and TA DA!!! we have been granted the Inspire Mark!!!!!!
The London 2012 Inspire programme recognises innovative and exceptional projects that are directly inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Because it is all about engaging with the community and so forth, Jane thought our project would fit in.

and so did the committee.

We even have a comment about it from Lord Seb Coe!

You can read more about it here.

and so more Museum photos - Horlicks artefacts - one of the products manufactured in Slough. The advert is part of what is included in one of the cases from the handling collection we borrowed.

and a more up to date photo of Horlicks...

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