Friday 5 March 2010

QA 15@15

One of the online sewing communities I belong to is Quilt Art. This year it has been going 15 years. (I haven't been on it that long.) They decided that those who wished to participate could make a 15 in x 15 in quilt art. So, I thought why not? the challenge is called Quiltart Quinceañero.

And today, I got a start on it.

As you can see it is in the same vein as my Communication piece Language. You can just about see a person at the top and one at the bottom. I will do some stitching on it now. I want to use the stitch to further communicate the idea I have in mind.

This has been photographed on black felt, but it is made up of sheer layers, so has a translucent quality like the Endless Possibilities piece.

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