Friday 13 February 2009

Endless Possibilities...and in life, too!

Here is a detail shot of some of the stitching that is going on for some of the parts of Endless Possibilities. FME (free motion embroidery) with Varigated rayon from Thread Studio and hand stitched pearl cotton. I am still thinking about the other section.

Other things:
Today we got a visit from the community support police officer! This was in response to my husband's bike being stolen from the garage the other day. However, as community support, she had also been trying to contact him for a while about a youth programme she thought he might help with because of his connections with the community centre and church.

Well, as we talked about the community, the workshops at the library idea came up. I told her my idea about people needing to be encouraged to meet in the community again. (Long story, but we used to have a grocery store in the parade of shops. It moved to a different town and although we were promised something else, it has been well over a year now. It was a place where people met up and had a natter about life. Old people used it for a daily outing. Mums stood round and gossiped before or after collecting their children from school, etc. Now, people might come and pop into the Chemists or the Post Office/Newsagent for a few minutes, but there is nothing that makes you want to linger. There are signs something may come in the Spring, but who knows.)

The police officer was really excited about "Crafts@the Library". She wants to come to the next one and encourage the effort along. If we do up some leaflets, she wants to give them to some people in the community who she feels would benefit from getting out and doing something like that. When I said I was hoping to develop a group and then perhaps have a sewing/craft group at the community centre. She got quite animated about the idea. She is real keen on helping the project go forward.

Plus, she went away saying I was a wonderful lady. Well, I just like to make stuff and somehow like to get other people making stuff, so that's the result!!

So, how cool is that! having the police marketing your workshops!

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