Thursday 27 November 2008

Texturised Fabrics

So I got my camera from the library.

Here are more samples of texturising fabrics that we will try in the Tactile Textiles 2 workshop.

The first three are examples of broomsticking. Most times when you do broomsticking, you have to redo it in some way when you wash it to retain the pleats. This method is a bit of a cheat in that the pleats are made permenant, and thus can be incorporated into a garment or textile art piece without concern that the pleats come out. Also, the texture normally means that the fabirc has a lot of give. But the way we will do it means it can just be treated as fabric with texture, and you don't have bits stretching out when you don't want them to.

The last 2 samples are a bit hard to tell, but the texturising gives a deeper 3D effect to the surface.

So, now I have to do a bit of Free Motion embroidery on one or two of these pieces to show how you can enhance the texture. but, I am posting this earlier than normal today, since I really need to work on a dragon that has been waiting for a few weeks.

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