Monday, 20 January 2020

TVCT workshop

On Saturday we had three different workshops. Jo had people using unique things to connect and to weave. Lisa focused on using ephemera to make compositions to stitch into. And my focus was metal, piercing it, embossing it and stitching on it. Basically taster sessions to give some ideas.
We divided the group into three and then they rotated around so that by the end of the day, everyone had been able to have a go.
Each person was given a little piece of aluminium shim, some thin and thick wire, and springs or bits of pot scrubbers. I did a little spiel showing them a variety of ways I have used metal in my work as well as a variety of metal things I used, like my beading onto springs, metal bobbins, washers and so on.

Here are some of the pieces in development from my workshop.

1 comment:

  1. great variety so obviously a good demo from you Sandy


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