Week 3
The other day Kathy asked me some questions about the parameters of my daily project.
This was my reply:
The selvedges are 3xm if you don’t count the fringe. The sections are between 9 and 10 cm long. The white/ cream section has 3 sections which alternate the weave. So I am counting that section as 3. It looks like the weave alternates between the 2 different patterns, whether colour or plain.
So each repeat - between the “strings” - is 18.
If I counted right , I think there are 15 repeats. Which doesn’t make a whole year, even if you do something to each of the 3 strings between repeats and count them as 3 days each.🤔 so, I am holding on for another bright idea to turn up before we get to that point.
Thanks for asking!
Great idea for a daily project! I like that it's small and portable.