Thursday 10 December 2009

Connect-Disconnect A2 Finished!

At last I have finished the final piece in the Connect-Disconnect series for the EquilARTeral group. I am quite pleased with it.

There are 3 layers...the papery layer I dyed with coffee, a layer of cream muslin, and a layer of tan "mystery fabric". The top layer has been given a surface design treatment of crayon rubbings on rubbing plates and subsequently ironed against the thin mystery fabric to melt the colour of the wax in to both.

At the last posting about this, it was just joined with buttons and beads. Today I sliced it in various places and stitched the edges with a buttonhole stitch. Then I used different threads and stitches to stitch the pieces back together with a bit of a gap (like variation of faggotting stitches).

I have photographed it on black, rather than against the cupboard doors, and it does show it off a bit better.

front back

It was a nice quiet thing to do today...staying in, listening to an audio book and trying to get rid of this cold.

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