Wednesday 9 December 2009

Christmas Ornaments - student work

I went along to the Crafts @the Library session for today, but the students didn't come. There were hardly any people visiting the library. Simon, the manager said that about this time before Christmas the libraries go very quiet, while the shops get busier. I guess I never thought of it that way. Everyone is getting ready for Christmas and don't have time to read.

Also, right now there is a lot of sickness about. So, some of the ladies might have been unwell. We need a cold snap to kill off the germs. But I am glad it waited til now. I am nearly done with having to go out and about, so if it gets cold now, I can stay in my house nice and warm!

Anyway, here are the photos of the student work from the Crafts @the Library yesterday. Each of them came up with a different design idea. It is fun when they don't slavishly follow my ideas!
Maz - contrast stitching
Norma - red Christmas pudding

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