Monday 18 February 2019

All the better to see you with

...and finally, after well over a year... I can see properly!!! 👀

New spectaculars 😁
Regular Bifocals 🤓

And Bifocal Sunglasses 😎 

They had to put prisms in to deal with the double vision. It works!
So wonderful to see distance again! I worked in my studio a bit. The eye dr had said they will take a bit of getting used to. The long distance is not so bad, though I do have to blink if I turn my head quickly. The close up/reading part will need a bit of time. I stitched my daily bead project, but needed a break after that in order to do anything else. So I started sorting some of the magazines I cleared from the bookcase a week or two ago.
Next real will be the computer. That was the hardest bit. I found myself getting “see sick” 🤢, whenever I tried working online. So most of what I have done is on the phone.


  1. Gabrielle19/2/19

    So glad you are seeing single again. And the frames really suit you (or maybe it's the smile!)

  2. Hooray! Good luck getting used to them... it takes a while I hear. Great seeing your spec's


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