Monday, 20 August 2018

Bead on 4-11 and 12-18 August

week 32 and 33 - 2018

I've caught up from being away, so this photo is from this last week and the week before.
Just the bead on fabric.

Progress on my daily bead project: this photo gives you an idea of how things are so far for the year.

Just a few thoughts about it.
I wanted something that didn’t take so much time (after the previous 5 years). But this project is so quick, I don’t get as much enjoyment. I do want to fill this length of cloth with the patterning that comes from marking each day of the week differently. So, already thinking 🤔 about what to change for next year. Inspired by Jean Williamson's Dates in a Life project.

No trims for a bit til after my eye recovers from Cataract Surgery on the 21st August. I do spend too much time on that! and looking very close.

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