Thursday, 26 April 2018

I like Thankful Thursday

I was teaching all day yesterday, so not much energy for writing.
I like that the Thankful Man likes to bake now and then.

The other week he made this modern take on an ancient recipe for 'Gingerbrede'.

Sorry there is none left!
But last night he played about with different cake flavours and inclusions like cherries to serve when our friends come round tonight. That will be something to look forward to!

I also like pebbles which, at different times, want you to pick them up and then decide to get together in the kitchen for a surprise!
And this one that has an indentation and if it were more round, could be mistaken for a cough sweet!
Actually, this is a close up. It is around the size of a cough sweet and around the same size as the bottom one in the photo above.

If you want to see some of the other likes, go to LeeAnna's blog.


  1. Gingerbrede looks delicious. Love those rocks. I have a pair that I picked up separately at the beach that fit into each other.

  2. oooo sweets, just what the doctor ordered. love the exclamation point rocks too!


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