Tuesday 12 December 2017


The recent project which I can not post has gone well. Then I was about to cut and trim and remembered I am meant to send a 20cm square example of the quilt. Oh.

It has been a stretch to make something 2 metres by the width of the fabric. That was the challenge I set myself. But, having made my design cover the whole of the 2 metres, I haven't got any left for a sample! and as the design is somewhat symmetrical, I can't really chop some off to use!
So, having been frozen by indecision for a little while, I had searched online, but it couldn't find it. I had purchased it at Festival of Quilts from Doughty's, located with the white on white fabrics. I finally decided to get over it and phone Doughty's Fabric to see if they had it. I hoped the lack of presence was that the white on white fabrics aren't put online because they are hard to see.

So, I phoned. This was brave. I do not like phoning. Even worse, I do not like phoning companies and businesses. But a lovely lady was very helpful. She thought she found it by my description, but said send me a photo. So, I did and she said yes it was. and so, soon a little parcel of fabric will arrive in the post. Phew.
Now I can go with the trimming the edges and working on the binding!

While I was being brave, I ordered a book online for a Certain Young Man's Christmas, and slippers for the Thoughtful Man. I don't like ordering online either, but now I don't have to traipse through shops for just the right kind.

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