Thursday 7 December 2017

I like Thankful Thursday

Today I am Thankful that the pain block procedure is working. So, I still have fibromyalgia and I still hurt. But, my back feels like a very heavy rucksack has been taken off! And so even going upstairs is easier. Walking is quicker. So, I am very thankful that a big pain has been lifted so that I can cope better with all the rest!

I haven't posted much, not making much and easing into things.
However, on Saturday, our church was already scheduled to host a Ladies Christmas Lunch for some other churches. And I am so thankful for my ladies, my friends, who helped to make the day wonderful. I still did the talky things, but I didn't have to worry about lifting or carrying anything.
photo: Debs Lewis
And then from there it was rest for several days.

And now One wonderful thing I like about December!
The first of the December baking...though I have bought some special food treats as well. I still have pumpkin in the freezer from when the Thoughtful Man had his allotment. So, I thawed some and baked Pumpkin Chip cookies and Pumpkin Bread.

The cookie recipe from a childhood friend, Lisa and the Pumpkin Bread from one of those small cookbooks of gathered recipe favourites. This one from a church many years ago, Pilgrim Baptist Church in Massachusetts. The recipe is called Shaker Pumpkin Bread.

Because I come from a large family, December was full of baking. I think my mom made double batches of everything. One to be devoured that day and one to be saved for Christmas!

And I like (love) being in England for winter. Instead of it being so cold everything dies, there is often lovely bits of colour still around to cheer you up.
Saw these wonderful pink berries the other day!

It was windy and they were moving around, so it was hard to get them in focus.

Forgot to say - over at LeeAnna's blog you can find links to other people's likes on Thursday.


  1. I'm so glad you're feeling at least a little bit better. And your ladies luncheon looks like such fun! I remember going to those with my mom at church when I was a kid! My church here doesn't do one anymore, sadly.

  2. Hi there and I was so happy to hear your pain block is working...a big like there! I've been reading about fibromyalgia...such a frustrating illness.
    How lovely to still have the odd thing growing in your mild winters. Not so lucky here in Ontario!
    Happy Baking!

  3. Hi Sandy,
    What wonderful news that the pain blocker is working! Yippee! I imagine it makes everything else much more manageable. And those lovely pink berries - what a fabulous pop of color. I'll bet the birds love them for a little treat in the winter. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Feeling relief from back pain sounds wonderful for you! That affects everything we do, doesn't it? Your baking looks yummy - hope you ger to enjoy more of it!

  5. good news!

    those berries are wonderful color!

  6. I'm glad the pain block is having some effect.

    Baking! yay for baking! and the pink berries are cute.

  7. Thanks Ladies!
    Just had a phone call from our son. He is coming for the weekend. So, that will be the first lot of baking taken care of! LOL

  8. Glad you are getting a little relief and could participate in the Ladies event. Gorgeous pink berries.

  9. Oh it is wonderful that you are feeling less discomfort! It sounds like you have a good support too with the ladies from the church! Have a wonderful week!


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