Thursday 23 November 2017

I like Thankful Thursday

Today is Thanksgiving in America.
My family there are enjoying each other in the various places where they live. Many Blessings!

I was invited to take part in an online group posting something they like on Thursday. I have been posting the cows for Something on Saturday. Not long now and it will be up to a year.

So, I decided to start looking again - with the camera - like I used to do on Inspiration Monday in the early days of the blog and later on Something on Saturday.

I had to go over to South Hill Park to deliver something to a colleague. As I was looking for Thankful Things, I decided to look there.
Italian gardens

You may recall when I took part in Engage! with Art. That was at South Hill Park.
my favourite: Bull at the Gate.

I have lived in this area for 30 years. South Hill Park is a big feature. For a long time, I didn't go inside much. It is only about a 15 minute walk, but I didn't feel very welcome there. So, I mainly walked around the lake and grounds.

But in the last several years, things have changed. It is lovely to meet someone for a cuppa in the cafe or wander round to see what exhibitions are up.
  'puddle wonderful'by Jan Barstow
Loved this print hanging near the cafe.

There are always things to see that you never noticed before.

This week I found these stairs. Another day I will see where they go! There are many stairs to unusual places around the mansion.

And now I know a bit about clay.

I took a one day taster on precious metal clay some years back.
One day I want to take a bookmaking course there.

So, I am thankful for South Hill Park.


  1. There is a garden near me in Annapolis Maryland that looks a lot like your italianate one. Same time period possibly. I like your list especially the bull statue! Funny you didn't feel welcome there, some personnel must have changed. People make a difference.
    Glad you are joining us!it brings another fun list and interesting person into our lives

  2. I love that bull at the gate. What a great piece of wrought iron.

  3. Thanks for the comments!
    Bull at the Gate is cool. The other side of the wall has his horns poking through. It is by Marcel Baettig
    There is a frog sitting on the back of the bull. So, another title is 'The Bored Frog'.
    This link takes you to the 'interaction' I did with the bull

  4. The Italian garden looks wonderful in the spring and summer when they are planted with bedding plants inside the little hedges.
    I don’t know when the garden was first put in, but the Mansion was from late 1600’s.
    At one point it was the seat of Earl Limerick. In early 1800’s, it was the home of the shortest serving Prime Minister, George Canning, who served only 119 days.

    More than you wanted to know!

  5. Hi Sandy, exploring out and about and finding very interesting things to photograph. I always remark how my camera shows things I didn't notice; do you find that too? Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Sandy,
    Welcome to the Thursday like group! I hope you are here to stay. South Hill Park - we have that featured in a TV show here that I don't watch, but I recognize the name. I have visited the UK several times and have enjoyed it very much. Oh, that Italian garden looks lovely, and those stairs! I do wonder where they go so you will have to be sure to let us know. Very interesting learning about clay (I have NO talent at that) but the bookmaking course sounds wonderful. I look forward to hearing more. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Thanks for your comment, Roseanne,
    I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving day.
    I think you mean South Park, for the TV show. no, I wouldn’t watch that either.
    Take care,

  8. Thanks for the comment Jocelyn,
    Yes, I agree, if you have the camera out, you seem to notice more things.

  9. Such wonderful likes and I love that garden! That bull is particularly fun! Have a wonderful day and welcome to the "I Like" group :D


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