Wednesday 28 October 2015

Magna Carta Quilts

Several weeks ago I had the privilege to see the Magna Carta Quilts made to commemorate 800 years since the signing of the Magna Carta.
I knew one of my friends had worked on some of the quilts, but when I was at the Lace Day, I discovered that a lady I knew from an internet group some time ago, had been part of the main making up.

So, when I learned they were to be at South Hill Park, which is very near me, I decided I must go see them.
I was particularly impressed with the way they were able to tell the story via panels like a graphic novel or a comic, yet keep a serious about them. And though it is quite obvious that they chose inspiration from the Bayeux tapestry, it is not the same at all. Very well done.

Here are some photos.
The room was strongly lit from large windows, so it was not easy to get good photos without standing at awkward angles and getting reflections from the Perspex covers on the narrative signage. You should be able to click on the photos to see the images a little larger.


Accompanying the quilts with the story of King John and the Magna Carta, were quilts depicting people through the years who were leading figures in the field of human rights. These are called the Legacy Quilts. I will show them tomorrow.

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