Wednesday 8 July 2015

while I am stitching beads

I am nearly done sewing beads at intersections on the gown. I am nearly bored to tears.

So, here are a few of the interesting things happening around here.

Swallow-tailed moth in the kitchen. It is yellow, but the wall behind it is painted 'custard' yellow, so it blends right in.
Apparently, it never comes out in the day, so I must be privileged.

The Thoughtful Man has been making gooseberry curd from the berries he grew on his allotment. We haven't tried it yet. It didn't set the first go, so he reheated it and tried again. I don't think it sets like jam anyway, but it is less like thick liquid now.
I have saved the cherry jam jars from Aldi over the years because I like the shape. We are testing the new-fangled easy opening jars from the cranberry sauce, to see if they can be re-used. They have a ring around the centre lid, which somehow helps you with grip when you are trying to open them.

Cherries from our little cherry tree. We covered it with net this year, so have a good batch. The birds can eat the tiny ones from the Woodstock tree behind the back garden.

Too good to make into jam. I love cherries, so fresh from the tree does me for a side with my cheese and bread at lunch. I already had the first batch...with help from a Certain Young Man, who unfortunately likes cherries as well!

Spotted this cheeky grin on my lunch plate!
Just how I feel about eating cherries!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely moth. Are you counting the beads?


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