Thursday 18 December 2014

December days - 18

Yesterday was a Pumpkin day in the Christmas baking to-do list.
I baked down 2 of the big pumpkins and a squash on Monday.

I had also peeled them, so today I whizzed them up in the food processor. The squash was made up savoury (butter, salt and pepper) for dinner. Remainder of the squash is in the blue bowl.

1 pound went into another 3 pumpkin breads which will either be gifts or go in the freezer with the one from the other day.

1 pound went into a batch of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cakes. (meant to be cookies, but putting it into cup cake papers to bake is a lot easier.)

3 freezer bags with 1 pound of pureed pumpkin each were put in the freezer for future baking days.

and 2 pounds went into a big bowl of double batch of pumpkin pie mixture.

By that time my legs and feet were protesting mightily, so I will do the pies today. Should make at least 4. They are easy to freeze or take to share with friends.

Not sure when, but I will cook down the other 3 pumpkins one of these days, too.

1 comment:

  1. This is making me really hungry for something pumpkin!


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