Wednesday 24 September 2014

In the line up for this week

Plus one cut out on the table. For the Fabric stash contest...I will sign up as soon as I get one complete.

I have stopped to put the white contrast on the centre one, and the collar on the turquoise paisley next to it. Because the overlocker is loaded with off-white. Then I will switch to black.

Here is a question. Do you think the bright turquoise next to the red would like off-white overlocking or black? Not that it will actually be seen...

the bright ones will be sleeveless and replace 3 faded RTW tops in those colours that I seem to have worn to death.
The dresses are for very hot summer days when you just want to throw something on that is not restricting.

I have cut sleeves from the blue part of the scraps for the African batik. But looking at it, I might leave it sleeveless. I need to make a facing and cut a slit for the neckline because at present I wouldn't be able to get it over my head. The back has the same print as the front.

I am afraid the seer-sucker stripe at the right end is a bit grandmotherly. So I am trying to think of something to cheer it up, which is why the blue bit in the neckline. The buttons are just stuck on with pins for now to see if I really want them on the dress.
Oh! perhaps the blue eyelet trim I have used on other occasions will work for cheerfulness. do I have enough?


  1. WOW! You have been busy. I would be going for the off-white overlocking thread over the black personally. And yes, I think the seer-sucker gets a lovely lift with the blue addition of fabric ... they will all look great when finished ... J

  2. Given the choice of off-white or black, I'd go with off-white, the black might shadow through to the right side. A mid grey would be better but that means threading an extra time.

  3. Right - off white it is then.
    PS I am nearly fed up with clothes and ready to go back to the textile art. But it has been a productive Sept.


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