Friday 18 October 2013

Finished on Friday

Another summery blouse.
Pardon the strange 'waiting for the camera timer to go off smile/grimace'

I had cut a different blouse from this fabric which will be an underlayer with a sheer creamy fabric...(more of which later when I actually make it) but it looked like there was enough fabric left over to make in its own right as a summer blouse. I thought I would use it as a trial of the princess line version of the blouse I finished last week. I have made it before, but I needed to remember just how much ease, etc, I had allowed myself.

However, when I started sewing it, I realised it was going to be very
and possibly not the greatest colour for me. So, I thought about a trim. and the navy blue seemed to create amazing contrast with this (what do you call it?)colour.
At times sewing it I had to give my eyes a break because it was doing optical confusion things to them! But in a strange way, the navy trim has toned down the other.

Oh, and I think I can get on with the other blouses cut from the princess line pattern. It still seems weird to be sewing summer blouses when it is definitely Autumn and Winter is round the corner. But I am looking forward to having a choice of blouses to choose from next summer.

And this is the 1300th blog post for this blog! Remember to leave a comment on Wednesday's post if you want a chance for one of the sets of fabric beads I am giving away.

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