Tuesday 8 October 2013

filling gaps in the wardrobe

The summer got very busy with so many other things that clothing sewing didn't get very far. but while I am still remembering what I need in my summer wardrobe and while I have a bit of a clear space in my head schedule, I thought I would get on with it.

So, a friend was clearing her airing cupboard for some plumbing repairs. Instead of tossing duvets and sheets, she thought 'fabric! - Sandy!' or something similar.

So I as one of the things needed in my wardrobe is neutrals. (Because interesting fabrics for blouses and interesting fabrics for skirts generally mean far too clashing to wear together.)

And so I cut a tan stripe gored skirt with flare from this duvet cover. The tan stripe is 'quiet' and gives a beige look from a distance.

Today I got as far as putting it together. It needs a waist treatment and a hem. I am not doing a waistband, but a faced waist with petersham stay.

I also cut out a replacement skirt for one I had made before which had become too big, (hurrah!) but I got a bit trim happy and now it is too small. hmmm. Anyway, I had enough left for another skirt.
I had thought jacket originally, but it is a bit too loose weave for a jacket and would need all sorts of things done to it to make it work...which is not my idea of a good time. (Okay, I can spend hours stitching beads onto washers or what have you, but I really am not into hours of jacketing.)

So, while I was cutting the duvet cover, I also cut the other skirt. I have it to the together stage but I discovered I haven't got any dark zips. So, that will have to wait till I go to the market at the weekend or perhaps check out the ironmongers in Great Hollands if I want to get this done this year week. It is not a summer skirt, but more of an autumn skirt, but I decided I wanted it in the same pattern, so it is easier to get on with cutting and making the same pattern at the same time.

That is enough blather I think for today. Not sure what I will manage tomorrow. I have a blood test.

 If she can find any, that would be good. If not, I will probably go back to bed to recover from the trauma!

yes, I know, too much information. I have done my 'drink lots of water the day before' thing. so, here is hoping. It is a regular blood test to keep tabs on levels of things.

My doctor retired last year. I have finally trained the next one...and he has left. Apparently he was a locum. So, now I have to work out which one will be able to understand what things do to you - like fibromyalgia and needing synthetic thyroxin to replace what they took - without having to teach him myself. (insert rolleyes emoticom.)

1 comment:

  1. Such a wonderful talent! I wish I knew how to sew.. and saves lots of money...::)


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