Monday 4 February 2013

fabric prep

Today I have been preparing fabric for a couple of projects I am doing this year. One of them is the Contemporary Quilt Journal project. The size this year is 8 x 12. also, you must have a theme. So I am doing the theme of maps - exploring ways to map...and mostly using maps of places I have lived or gone to school.

The other squares are for the Letter A Week Project. For that you do 2 projects of 7in squares with creating 2 different alphabets. One of the themes for that is Peace. I only found out about the project a couple weeks into the year, but had an idea straight away for the Peace. So, I have signed up.
I had already done alot of work towards my letters on the computer and mean to print them out onto fabric. Then I will stitch into them. However, I wasn't happy with my first attempt on purchased fabric sheets. I am reluctant to spend the money ( @£15 per packet of 10 sheets)and then only use part of each sheet!
But the one sheet I did try came out more faded looking than I am happy with. Part of that is because the inks are running out. So, I have had to wait to purchase more inks. I am going to try to print onto my own fabric sheets, but need to soak them in Bubble Jet set liquid first. My current printer has Claria inks which are not fade resistant on fabric.


  1. Nice to read your introduction on ALAW blog.
    But for anyone coming via this blog, I note you have said 7 inch squares. Our dimensions are 7cms.

  2. Oh Wow! Thanks for the heads up! Good thing I hadn't been able to get going on this!


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