Saturday 8 October 2011

Knitting and Stitching show

Friday I went to the Knitting and Stitching Show. I went by train this time because I haven't been too full of energy lately and didn't want the stress of driving. It was a long day/ordeal even with the train because it takes so long. Hard to know which is best.

Anyway, I saw a couple of the girls who were in the fashion show with me. They were doing 'performance' stitching and making. They had printed a copy of the floorprint of the show onto fabric and were stitching bits and pieces onto it. Their idea was to do random, but I thought it might be a clever idea to do something similar and stitch things that actually relate.
Sorry for the blurr. This camera is normally good about shake.

There were some pretty interesting knitted fashion pieces in the student knit wear area this time. Well, usually they are interesting, but totally unrealistic and hardly wearable. (I am not a knitter, nor do I usually ever work with knits. No aversion, just more interested in wovens.) These dresses are more like real fashion.

This is Fabulous! This dress and the photos of the other pieces this girl has done are much more like real fashion to me.

And yes I came home with a few bags full of interesting things. Some were quite dear, but I generally save my money up to buy at shows, rather than buy online or try to find shops that sell what I am looking for.
Some of these are for trying along with the students for the unit on applying pattern. Some are just because. some are for an idea I am percolating in my mind. I collect bits and pieces for a work and then with the idea is ripe, I sit down and begin to make it.

And look at the lovely blue linen fabric. I had on my list to find fabric for trousers. I had almost given up hope, since most fabric stalls at shows are either quilting fabrics or colours and patterns that shout. If it is plain, it is often brown or tan or bright red or something. So, not only was this 1- blue! 2-linen, but also 3- it is a tightly woven linen.

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