Saturday 5 December 2009

Fund Raiser Event

Today was the fund raiser for the Thames Valley Hospice. I think Charlie, the girl who organised it, must have made quite a bit of money for the Hospice.

I was a bit disappointed at the results of trying to sell the trees I made. It seemed you had to have tacky kiddy stuff or very glittery stuff to be able to sell anything. However, in the end, I did sell enough to cover the cost of the table. I am going to put the rest of the money towards a collection we are doing at church for the children my friend Karin works with in Ethiopia. Oasis Foundation.

Liz, at the table next to mine had done some lovely beadwork jewellery. She is just getting started with a little business. She did quite well for the occasion. I bought one of her beaded ornaments to take home. They sold very well. In the photo you can see there aren't many left!
Liz's mum Jane took some photos of my table for me.
A lot of people expected the trees to be scented. I could have added Pine scent, but you can never tell if people will like a scent or if they might be allergic. So, in the end, I put a sign to say you could add scent if you wanted! Other remarks were about them being pin cushions. After several comments like that, Jane bought one for Liz for parking her beading needles!

So, I have nearly 60 left. (I made about 71). Guess what though, I won't have to think of something for a little gift for my various students!

But besides that, I made some nice friends. Both Liz and Jane work with the Rainbow Guides. I generally save my little bits and pieces of fabric scraps, so I said I'd save them for their group next. They are fun to use for collage and other sticking and gluing activities.

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